Tom A
My first experience of skiing was being forced to go on the Leeds University ski trip to Val Thorens with my then-girlfriend. She was a ski instructor; “It’ll be fine”, she said. As all of our friends zoomed off into the distance, it soon became clear that it wasn’t going to be fine! There followed four days of arguing, a tantrum as I fell off the drag lift next to the park, and some very hungover early mornings. Needless to say, we are no longer together but as the fifth and sixth days came around I became the next Candide Thovex as I skied with all my “cool” friends and hurtled, uncontrollably down a black run. A ski addict was born. I guess I owe her one for putting up with me!
“As all of our friends zoomed off into the distance, it soon became clear that it wasn’t going to be fine!”
After graduating I then spent two seasons working as a Representative for Ski Esprit in La Rosière and Belle Plagne (which I definitely have a soft spot for!). Then I decided to move to London and spend 8 years with one of our, now defunct, rivals.

Top Tip
If you’re not falling, you’re not trying hard enough.

Best Moment
My favourite ski trip was without a doubt when I went to visit a friend in Kimberley BC.
We used that as an excuse to visit nearby hills; Panorama, Whitewater & Fernie. The trip to Whitewater was the most memorable driving through the night in a blizzard to arrive at the Motel in Nelson to the owner exclaiming, “You haven’t just driven from Kimberley in these conditions, have you?”. I did wonder where all the other cars were… So glad we did it though as we woke up to the best bluebird powder day of my life.